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From the monthly archives: June 2012
DAKO (now a part of AGILENT ) and Bioporto entered into a distribution Agreement The NGAL Test late 2010, starting from january 2011. This weekend I was at a Party and ended up talking to a former DAKO employee.
Eventually we discussed the poor outcome of the Agreement, his (biased) view was that it had […]
NGAL measurement has a role to play in detecting AKI after Liver Transplantations. In a very interesting article found on Bioporto.com Taiwanese doctos have looked into that relationship.
Measurements in Taiwan are done using the NGALTest from BioPort (amongst others)
Concentrations of sCr and urinary creatinine (uCr) were measured using the Jaffe kinetic method […]
While waiting for News on a distribution Agreement for BioPorto’s NGAL Test, our readers and supporters are eagerly crawling the net.
The last couple of days have seen interesting news from – amongst other developing countries – Romania, Canada, Abbottistan,
The canadian article deals with RRT (renal transplant) , and the role of biomarkers in […]
For den forsigtige investor kan der godt være en god deal i at hjemtage ldit gevinst her på toppen af trendlinjen og håbe på genkøb på bunden af den opadgående trendlinje.
jeg har redigeret lidt i gårsdagens chat – men for BioPorto interesserede og informationssøgende er der lidt god info hist og pist: admin 8:16 AM Med få ord… Hvis vi vinder burde Phadia være væk, og Bioporto er de eneste med et patent på området. Det er godt. Som i meget godt. Hvis de taber […]
Fredag eftermiddag kom TopoTarget rigtig i chatten – der er synes jeg god info at hente: Henning 3:56 PM Nej, jeg har kun de aktier, der kilder mest i maven, altså small cap, specielt Bioporto, Topo og Exiqon samt lidt forskellige, herunder cBrain. ndrs 3:56 PM Jeg er selv helt ude af alt bortset fra […]
Udskrift fra Sø&Handelsrettens Dombog.
DOM Afsagt den 15. juni 2012 T-9-07 BioPorto Diagnostics A/S (Advokat Morten Bruus) mod Phadia A/S (Advokat Peter-Ulrik Plesner)
This recent study looks into the correlation between NGAL levels and diabetes mellitus (or plain diabetes 2)
The daily news – Research on Early Detection of Kidney Damage and Coagulation Abnormalities in Type 2 Diabetes Nephronpathy
Concluding that: “We found urine NGAL has risen in DM patients,so these Could reflect early renal tubular damage in diabetes,and […]
NGAL – For the benefit of our esteemed readers from overseas- here is a transcript of todays article on BioPorto and Phadia in medwatch.dk
The relief and joy was measurable in the voice of Bioporto’s CEO (Thea Olesen) when MedWatch caught her on the phone, shortly after the danish Sea & Maritime Court […]
Today the judges of Sø & Handelsretten gave their verdict in the long lasting case of Phadia vs Bioporto.
The case has been hanging like a dead albatros around BioPorto’s neck (the ancient mariner), to some extent prohibiting BioPorto from entering distribution Agreements with major (global) distributors.
Thankfully this is now a closed Chapter. […]
CIN – Contrast Induced Nepropathy is the only type of AKI where you can pinpoint the excact time of the injury.
Dr Mohammad Khatami of the Iranian Tehran University has witten an interesting paper on CIN, causes, markers, therapies and future options.
As stated above CIN is the ONLY type of AKI where you have the […]
Ongoing debate
- Lesliejek on Chat transcript regarding the NGAL distr. Agreement with the Wiener Group. (In danish)
- Patrickciz on Chat transcript regarding the NGAL distr. Agreement with the Wiener Group. (In danish)
- Jameskipse on Chat transcript regarding the NGAL distr. Agreement with the Wiener Group. (In danish)
- Rickiehiela on Chat transcript regarding the NGAL distr. Agreement with the Wiener Group. (In danish)
- James Rolitson on Good Discussion on Bronte Capital’s long thesis on Herbalife