quotes: This study describes a new biomarker (NGAL) that completely outperforms the current serum creatinine-based criteria for the early detection of AKI and its devastating clinical outcomes,” said Prasad Devarajan, M.D., director of Nephrology and Hypertension at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and one of the study’s first authors. “This has enormous implications because AKI affects about 30 percent of all critically ill patients, in whom current therapeutic options are limited and unacceptably delayed.”

not to mention the Troponin/Ngal – analogy

Dr. Bellomo, director of Intensive Care Research at Austin Hospital, and senior author of this study. “Just as the increased diagnostic sensitivity of troponin has dramatically altered the definition, diagnosis, and management of acute myocardial infarction, similar concepts might apply to NGAL and AKI.”

Also – and this is quite interesting – there is NO mentioning that the patent  (on which Abbott bases their test)  was actually revoked in december 2011 by EPO… Au contraire..

Patents and intellectual property rights for the use of NGAL for earlier acute kidney injury diagnosis are jointly owned by Cincinnati Children’s and Columbia University in New York, N.Y. The technology has been exclusively licensed to industry (Abbott Diagnostics, Biosite, Inc.) for clinical development and commercialization. Standardized clinical laboratory tests for detecting urine and blood NGAL are being used globally and currently under evaluation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in the United States.

I guess its safe to say that they will appeal the amnullment 🙂  …. anyway – if BioPort maintains their patent on february 8th 2012 (as they expect to) – this opens for enormous potential ..(or triple damage)

in case you want more of the same – here’s an interview with Dr. Kai Schmidt-Ott

I guess you can use Google translate – 🙂


About Stengaard

BioPorto investor from way back when... I've invested in BioPorto ever since they made their debut on the danish stock exchange, it been a looooong journey with many obstacles. But well worth it all if Bioporto maintains their patent after the proceedings in 2014, and enters into agreements with Global Distributors in 2012 and 2013 If not, then it'll take another xx.years 🙂

One Response to An amazing survey – it’s a MUST read :)

  1. Stengaard says:

    its a complete knock-out on Serum Creatinine …

    But in all fairness – one cannot overlook the direct connection between Abbott/Alere/CCH/Columbia Univ. –

    On the other hand – I am relatively certain that all of the esteemed scientist participating in the survey would not want to jeopardize their academic careers..

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