I have emailed Spectrum IR, but i never got any answers. But than i start emailing with David Nakasone from Allergans investor relations. He is a really good person, and he is very helpful with questions regarding Apaziquone. I asked david about why the status on the multiple installation study changed august 2 2012 to “active not recruiting”. he told me that it means that the study is ongoing and the recruitment IS COMPLETE. Now they are just analysing the data and waiting for all events to accour. They have fully enrolled this study in 10-11 months. The two single installation studies took 26 months to recruit.
but in the single installation study, the primary endpoint was reccurance rate after 24 months. It is not the endpoint in this multiple installation study. The endpoint is time to reccurance: “Time to recurrence (from randomization) for eligible patients with Low- intermediate risk NMIBC, who had undergone TURBT followed by, a single instillation of apaziquone immediately post TURBT and multiple instillations of apaziquone or placebo.”
That actually means that interim data from this study can come in the next 12 months and full data in 24 months well sooner than i ealier anticipated.
Also note that we do have some really positive phase II data in multiple installation..

About Investor1989

Investor in stocks in about 5 years with some very good profits. Focusing on Biotech and Value stocks. Active investor...


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