Some have described BioPorto as a “one trick pony” – we tend to disagree….

EPO (the European Patent Organisation) have on october 25th 20111 sent a reply to BioPorto regarding the application for a patent covering measurement of ACP-PCI  (and the  APACHE II score).

BioPorto have defined a range within which patients suffering from severe sepsis can benefit from APC-treatment

EPO concludes that is is quite easy for BioPorto to obtain the patent – if they include some minor alterations that EPO wishes to see.  EPO gives BioPorto 4 months to concede

Xirgis – until recently the only medication for Sepsis have since then been taken of the market, so there is presently a vacuum. However as severe sepsis is deadly and as the number of deaths from Sepsis is rising – Eli Lily will probably make an effort to have its product relaunched

Xirgis was taken of the market because there were limited positive results – this is (in our opinion) a major mistake – administered correctly patients would benefit from treatment with Xirgis – but you must have a clear identification of those that you give the treatment, otherwise Xirgis may actually worsen the patients health..


The APC-PCI patent has been issued by USPTO. (USA)

About Karl M. Bidstrup

Tidligere ejer af Strategien har gennem mange år været at profitere på etablerede aktier, og brænde det hele af på Bioporto... Sad but true. Kontakt mig på medicoinvestor(A) hvis du har en million du ikke ved hvor du skal gemme, så skal jeg nok holde den for dig. 🙂


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