Summer of 2011 brought – amongst record rains and rare floods in Denmark, an solicitation notice from US-Army to bid in for development of a urine-test (and device) that would help make the right selection of patients at – or close to – the battlefield.

At first we (we being – BioPorto Investors) thought that this fitted like a glove;  BioPorto’s triage patent (that has to do with measurement of kidney injury as a result of physical injury up to 6 hours after the incident)   and further the patent – application mentions a handheld device- however,  BUT when we asked BioPorto, they informed us that the task was “too much too soon” for a company of BioPorto’s size.

The rejection to enter into the solicitation directly is probably not so much based on the test itself (because that part is well handled by the principles of the NGAL test) but because the development of a handheld device (my assumption) would cause a unbearable strain on the limited ressources of  BioPorto.

I assume that the US Army decided to team up with Alere – because they have with their POC-apparatus an (almost) handheld device.  The belowmentioned seems to support that… ANYWAY –  What still puzzles me a bit,  is that Biosite’s Triage is – to my knowledge – only a blood sample testing device* – so it might just be a coincidence… (I’ve never been a great  believer in coincidences). The other option is that its just two separate researchgroups…

Anyway – a new study was published regarding NGAL and Blast injury

The conclusion as far as I can see is – That NGAL does not discriminate between blast injuries or gunshot injuries – BUT it does give information about stratification of patients

* tender specifically asked for a urine test


About Stengaard

BioPorto investor from way back when... I've invested in BioPorto ever since they made their debut on the danish stock exchange, it been a looooong journey with many obstacles. But well worth it all if Bioporto maintains their patent after the proceedings in 2014, and enters into agreements with Global Distributors in 2012 and 2013 If not, then it'll take another xx.years 🙂

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