On the 28’th of December 2011, EPO issued the patent for Bioporto Diagnostics A/S, on the use of NGAL as a marker for the severity of a trauma…


Remember where you heard it first…. more will follow.

About Karl M. Bidstrup

Tidligere ejer af Medicoinvestor.com Strategien har gennem mange år været at profitere på etablerede aktier, og brænde det hele af på Bioporto... Sad but true. Kontakt mig på medicoinvestor(A)gmail.com hvis du har en million du ikke ved hvor du skal gemme, så skal jeg nok holde den for dig. 🙂

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2 Responses to NEW PATENT: Methods For Rapid Assessment of Severity of a Trauma

  1. […] An amazing survey – it’s a MUST read 🙂 NEW PATENT: Methods For Rapid Assessment of Severity of a Trauma […]

  2. Stengaard says:

    That is – what we call – a good question 🙂 Surely there must be more than a slight frown in Alere's and Abbotts headquarters – in december their patent for measurement is revoked – and in january a complimentary patent is issued to BioPorto.

    If I understand the issued patent correctly – then it not only covers injuries from war / natural disasters (as I believe was the original intention) but now all injuries originating from physical trauma (within 6 hours) – assuming this is correct then all use in emergency rooms should be covered per se.

    When CCH (Alere/Abbott) to BioPorto to court – they had their own patent to build a case on – this is not the case anymore (at least not unless they appeal the annullment)

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