At Last  🙂  !!!  Siemens and BioPorto collaborates on marketing the NGAL-Test

Today it has been announced that Siemens and BioPorto collaborates on marketing the NGAL-Test. The last months has seen acknowledgement from two of the worlds largest Diagnostic Companies, Siemens and Roche. Both companies have decided to market or recommend the NGAL-Test from Bioporto.

This means that the cut-off value of 250 ng/ml and the Test-format has been approved. Congratulations

Just as important is the fact – that both Siemens and Roche have decided (at least for now) to market the test under BIOPORTO’s name.

Quote from Thea Olesen  “the Salescooperation with the German Medico Giant, will reassure potential investors, and strengthen Bioporto in securing the needed capital-  The Agreement is only the start…”
Siemens and BioPorto will (I assume) be sponsoring surveyes, participating in Trade shows etc.
The market-potential is enormous – more than 13 million people suffer from AKI on a yearly basis – of those 13 million – 4 million unfortunately dies. More than 200 million test will (when fully implemented) be carried out yearly in thee western hemisphere (and the BRIC countries)  Test will be sold at approx 10-15 euro – leaving BioPorto and the distributos a handsome profit.
The Test is protected by a European Patent, also issued in India, Japan, Canada and most of South America-  The application is presently being reviewed in the US
this article will be updated 🙂

About Stengaard

BioPorto investor from way back when... I've invested in BioPorto ever since they made their debut on the danish stock exchange, it been a looooong journey with many obstacles. But well worth it all if Bioporto maintains their patent after the proceedings in 2014, and enters into agreements with Global Distributors in 2012 and 2013 If not, then it'll take another xx.years 🙂


4 Responses to Siemens and BioPorto collaborates on marketing the NGAL-Test

  1. jacobmat says:

    Tak, jeg ser først i dag at der er en chat på denne side.

  2. Stengaard says:

    hej Jacob…. jeg hader (belært af historien) at give kursmål

    Karma er en Bitch som du ved …. men man kan vel fomulere det sådan at den BURDE stige en del på det her 🙂

  3. jacobmat says:

    Tillykke til alle med dagens aftale !!!! Vi har tidl. talt om at kursen skulle i min. 10 når der kom en aftale, hvornår kommer den så det ? 🙂 Det sker måske når de har fundet en løsning mht. økonomien ?

    • Investor1989 says:

      jacobmat du ser ud til at følge BioPorto en del ? Du skal da være velkommen til at deltage i chatten også ?

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