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Spectrum henter ny sales executive officer fra Amgen
Spectrum har idag meddelt at de har ansat Joseph Turgeon som ny chef for salgsstyrke. Han kommer fra en stilling hos Amgen hvor han har været leder af deres oncology salgsafdeling hvor omsætningen steg fra 2 mia. $ til over 6 mia. $ under Turgeons ledelse. Han har allerede haft et tæt samarbejde med spectrum nye COO Ken Keller i Amgen og sammen vil de nu være med til at udvikle Spectrums vækst i fremtiden.
Jim Shields trækker sig tilbage af sundhedsmæssige årsager (oficielle melding jeg ikke helt tror på) og vil fremover fungerer som rådgiver.
Det eneste negative er at Raj udtaler “nearly 300 mio. $” i pro forma salg i 2012. Han har tidligere sagt “well over” 300.
Spectrum er klar til at holde en enorm vækst i fremtiden af eksisterende og nye produkter.
[Jeg ejer en betydelig mængde aktier i Spectrum Pharmaceuticals inc.]
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals (SPPI), a biotechnology company with fully integrated commercial and drug development operations with a primary focus in hematology and oncology, today announced the appointment of Joseph Turgeon as Senior Vice President Sales & Commercial Operations. Mr. Turgeon will be responsible for the commercialization and sales of all Spectrum products; currently, Spectrum markets FUSILEV® (levoleucovorin) for Injection; FOLOTYN® (pralatrexate injection); and ZEVALIN®(ibritumomab tiuxetan) Injection for intravenous use. Mr. Turgeon brings over 25 years of pharma sales experience, including various executive leadership roles at Amgen. He will report to Ken Keller, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.
“With three anticancer drugs on the market now bringing nearly $300 million in pro forma revenue and nearly ten drugs in clinical development, we are committed to strong growth in the next five years,” said Rajesh C. Shrotriya, M.D., Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ”The addition of Mr. Turgeon following appointment of Mr. Keller earlier this year is part of a planned strategy for expedited growth of Spectrum Pharmaceuticals.”
“Having worked with Joe for over twenty years at Amgen, it is my honor to warmly welcome Mr. Turgeon to Spectrum. His impressive sales record at Amgen will be a welcome addition as Spectrum continues expanding its commercial presence on the global market,” stated Ken Keller, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer of Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. “Joe’s leadership and strategic skills will be broadly beneficial to Spectrum as we pursue our aggressive international growth plans.”
“I am excited to head Spectrum’s sales and commercial operations, especially in light of the recent Allos acquisition, which I believe represents a strong opportunity for expanding sales. I look forward to working with the team in this capacity and building on Spectrum’s growth momentum,” stated Mr. Turgeon.
Spectrum further announced that due to personal, health reasons, Jim Shields has decided to retire from the Company, effective immediately. However, Mr. Shields will continue to serve the organization in an advisory role. During Mr. Shields’ tenure as Chief Commercial Officer, Spectrum’s revenue grew markedly, leading the Company to profitability.
“Jim joined our company in 2010 and immediately provided leadership and oversight for building our company’s dynamic commercial team which played a critical role in establishing the successful market presence for FUSILEV and ZEVALIN, our first two commercial products. In addition, Jim’s many contributions helped prepare our company for continued growth with the recent addition of FOLOTYN to our product portfolio. Jim will continue to contribute to Spectrum’s success as an executive advisor,” stated Dr. Shrotriya.
About Investor1989
Investor in stocks in about 5 years with some very good profits. Focusing on Biotech and Value stocks. Active investor...
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