On Stocks DD, this group is in the making:

“SPPI – Spectrum Shareholders who are interested in discussing dd on SPPI, and other issues like the potential heavy stock manipulation from shorts and what we could do about it, please sign up here to discuss these matters further. We will soon have a google group with active shareholders. One way to support the company, its valuation and your investment is to ensure your shares are not lent for short sellers by your brokerage.”

Join it here: http://stocksdd.blogspot.dk/2013/01/spectrum-shareholder-discussion-group.html

About Karl M. Bidstrup

Tidligere ejer af Medicoinvestor.com Strategien har gennem mange år været at profitere på etablerede aktier, og brænde det hele af på Bioporto... Sad but true. Kontakt mig på medicoinvestor(A)gmail.com hvis du har en million du ikke ved hvor du skal gemme, så skal jeg nok holde den for dig. 🙂


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